Custom Software and Offshore Development | LARION

Oodles of Images: Managing Your Real Estate Listing Photos

Photographs are probably the most important tool for successfully marketing any real estate listing. So, you want plenty of real estate photos on-hand for use in your MLS, your real estate website, marketing materials, and blog posts.

But doing lots of real estate photography means your digital files will pile up quickly. In the days of film, it was cost-prohibitive to create zillions of photos, but with digital photography it’s easy to snap away with gusto. Before you know it, you’ve got hundreds of thousands of real estate photos cluttering up your computer.

You can find lots of real estate photography tips that focus on taking good pictures, but here we’ll focus on what happens after you shoot — managing all those photos you produce. These tips will help you better organize your photography for real estate so it’s easy to find and use, so you can maximize its marketing value.


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