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Top 8 Configuration Management Tools

In a nutshell configuration management involves the detailed updating and recording of information that describes an enterprise’s software and hardware. It covers both device configuration management and the whole set of processes related to network operations and support. Some the actions involved in configuration management include – device configuration collection and inventory, change management, archiving, and backup among others. As cloud computing continues to infiltrate enterprise IT, configuration management has never been more important. Despite the fact that the cloud makes it exceedingly simple to deploy hundreds or even thousands of machines, system admins are left with the daunting task of managing each of those devices. When there are only a few machines, maintenance tasks like applying security patches, fixing security holes, and downloading updates only took a few minutes but multiply those minutes by hundreds or thousands and you get chores measured in weeks and months. The good news is that software can be used to automate the tasks associated with configuration management. Sys admins can utilize various open source stacks of code that were designed to reach out and touch files in the vast empire of virtual machines.


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