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Future eLearning Trends And Technologies In The Global eLearning Industry

“Universities won’t survive. The future is outside the traditional campus, outside the traditional classroom. Distance learning is coming on fast.” – Peter Drucker, 1997

The perspicacious Peter Drucker, the man who invented management, said that 16 years ago, and he couldn’t have been more right. Personally, when I think about the distant future of eLearning, a scene from The Matrix comes to mind. It’s when Neo attaches an array of electrodes on his head and downloads an entire martial arts training program into his brain. And I wonder if this can only be a vision of a dystopian future, or a reality just waiting to be developed.

eLearning has gone through rapid and unprecedented changes, following the profound advances in technology and, according to Education Sector Factbook 2012, eLearning is expected to grow at an average of 23% in the years 2013-2017. Check out this informative article and infographic to learn more about the Top 10 e-Learning Statistics for 2014. Distance has long stopped being a barrier, due to the plethora of new devices and APIs, as well as to the super fast Internet speeds available around the world, and the considerable improvement of mobile networks. According to Comscore, in 2014 “the number of mobile users will exceed the number of desktop users for the first time.” This means that the default content access points will be mobile phones, laptops, and tablets, which are bound to become more powerful and smarter than ever. Last, but not least, our vocabulary has been enriched with words, phrases and acronyms, such as mLearning, Tin Can, xAPI, HTML5, Gamification, and MOOC, and every day there is a new eLearning trend and a new eLearning technology designed around it.


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