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Agile Project Management – Organizing Flexible Projects

Agile Project Management is built around a flexible approach. Team members work in short bursts on small-scale but functioning releases Add to My Personal Learning Plan of a product. They then test each release against customers’ needs, instead of aiming for a single final result that is only released at the end of the project.

The end product of an agile project may be very different from the one that was envisaged at the outset. However, because of the checking process, team members can be sure that the product is one that customers want.

This makes Agile Project Management particularly appropriate for new or fast-moving businesses, for those in a fast-changing environment, or for highly complex situations, where managers are “feeling their way forward” to find the optimum business model. It’s also helpful with urgent projects that can’t wait for a full, traditional project to be set up


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