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Financial Services outlook for 2017: Change is coming

Jim Eckenrode, Executive Director, Deloitte Services LP, January 4, 2017

Happy New Year! I’m pleased to share that our industry outlook publications on the coming year in financial services are available for your review here, and be on the lookout for our Outlooks Dbriefs series this month as well. We hope you take the time to read our take on what 2017 holds for banks, insurers, investment managers, and commercial real estate companies. And, since the quotable Irish playwright Oscar Wilde said, “There is only one thing worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about,” we would like to think that you’ll also share them with your colleagues and discuss the implications for your own firms.

Without giving away too much of the headlines from these outlooks, the theme seems to be that change is afoot. Demographic trends are converging to influence the ways that financial institutions develop and distribute products and services. An increased level of uncertainty with regard to the direction of regulation in the new political landscape is causing many firms to debate whether to push forward on compliance initiatives in progress or to hit the pause button. And new technologies entered our consciousness in 2016 that offer the potential promise of greater efficiency.


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