PaaS: Five Things You Didn’t Know

Published date : Monday, April 10th, 2017

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PaaS: Five Things You Didn’t Know

The PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) market has exploded in the last few years, and there’s a good reason for this rapid growth. As organizations increasingly look to securely receive, process, store and scale data as demands dictate, PaaS is providing them with the necessary control and scalability to meet their customers’ demands.

While there is typically wider understanding about some of the other ‘…as a Service’ cloud offerings, there is still a lot to learn about PaaS, with many developers struggling to define exactly what the platform does. Even as basic understanding of the core concept grows, there are many aspects of PaaS that remain shrouded in mystery


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Nguyen Thinh Tri

If you need expert guidance on building a DevOps team, consider partnering with experienced tech experts who can help you navigate the transformation. With over 20 years of experience, LARION has successfully assisted numerous companies of all sizes in crafting customized transition plans. We are dedicated to helping you achieve operational efficiency and seamless integration of.