How Executives Can Build a Culture of Social Community Engagement

Published date : Wednesday, March 29th, 2017

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How Executives Can Build a Culture of Social Community Engagement

How Executives Can Build a Culture of Social Community Engagement

Employee engagement is a hot topic right now yet one which companies struggle to define for themselves. While it can be hard to pin down exactly how to define and measure, when you don’t have employee engagement you can feel it – and it shows. If you’ve ever worked for a company where employee engagement was a problem then you know how painful it can be. Feeling disconnected from the key company priorities, never hearing from your executives, not having any personal contact with leadership whatsoever. It’s easy to start feeling like a cog in a huge machine… a faceless number in a company directory.How Executives Can Build a Culture of Social Community Engagement

Besides resulting in a bunch of bummed out human beings, lack of engagement has an impact on a company’s bottom line as well. Employee absenteeism and turnover top the list of impacts. With employee productivity taking a hit, revenue results and ability to compete in the marketplace are also affected. In short, lack of engagement is likely sucking the life force from your company.

In many companies, the issue of employee engagement lands on the desk of a mid-level communications or human resources employee. And therein lies the problem. The truth is: building a culture of employee engagement starts from the top down.

Luckily, the word is out that executives need to get on-board and lead the change for company engagement. Let’s learn more about the subject and what you can do either as a company leader or someone who influences them.

Here’s a statistic: Only 13% of global workers feel engaged, yet 87% believe it’s important. That huge gap means that there are likely people in your own company who are surfing LinkedIn right now for their next job. Here’s how you can stop them and it has nothing to do with revoking their Internet privileges.



Nguyen Thinh Tri

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