The 5 game changing big data use cases – IBM

Published date : Wednesday, March 29th, 2017

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The 5 game changing big data use cases – IBM

While much of the big data activity in the market up to now has been experimenting and learning about big data technologies, IBM has been focused on also helping organizations understand what problems big data can address.

We’ve identified the top 5 high value use cases that can be your first step into big data:

Big Data Exploration

Find, visualize, understand all big data to improve decision making. Big data exploration addresses the challenge that every large organization faces: information is stored in many different systems and silos and people need access to that data to do their day-to-day work and make important decisions.

Enhanced 360º View of the Customer

Extend existing customer views by incorporating additional internal and external information sources. Gain a full understanding of customers—what makes them tick, why they buy, how they prefer to shop, why they switch, what they’ll buy next, and what factors lead them to recommend a company to others.

Security Intelligence Extension

Lower risk, detect fraud and monitor cyber security in real time. Augment and enhance cyber security and intelligence analysis platforms with big data technologies to process and analyze new types (e.g. social media, emails, sensors, Telco) and sources of under-leveraged data to significantly improve intelligence, security and law enforcement insight.

Operations Analysis

Analyze a variety of machine and operational data for improved business results. The abundance and growth of machine data, which can include anything from IT machines to sensors and meters and GPS devices requires complex analysis and correlation across different types of data sets. By using big data for operations analysis, organizations can gain real-time visibility into operations, customer experience, transactions and behavior.

Data Warehouse Modernization

Integrate big data and data warehouse capabilities to increase operational efficiency. Optimize your data warehouse to enable new types of analysis. Use big data technologies to set up a staging area or landing zone for your new data before determining what data should be moved to the data warehouse. Offload infrequently accessed or aged data from warehouse and application databases using information integration software and tools.





Nguyen Thinh Tri

If you need expert guidance on building a DevOps team, consider partnering with experienced tech experts who can help you navigate the transformation. With over 20 years of experience, LARION has successfully assisted numerous companies of all sizes in crafting customized transition plans. We are dedicated to helping you achieve operational efficiency and seamless integration of.